Friday, June 29, 2007

from Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer...

comes quote of the day.courtesy of The New York Times..

“It is not often in the law that so few have so quickly changed so much,” Justice Breyer said.

Breyer was referring to a landmark ruling yesterday, by the Supremes, to limit the use of race as a determining factor which will have profound, and longterm influence on affirmative action.

While many seem shocked by this ruling, few can be surprised given that dismantling of affirmative action, as well as Roe v. Wade were among the principal objectives of the Bush administration's initial push for the presidency, and are consistent with the neo-conservative bent of the Repub lican party, a mindset which has been dormant, of late, but which will doubtless rear its ugly head in the upcoming 2008 presidential election.

Look for the rapid detumescence of moderate Repubican candidates like Rudy Guiliani, and the clear cut emergence of John McCain as the Republican nominee for president. Look for the takeover of The Wall Street Journal, by longtime McCain friend and ally, Rupert Murdoch, as a step in the direction of buying the presidency. Murdoch's hot pursuit of Dow Jones is, unquestionably, politically-timed, and politically-motivated.