Monday, June 26, 2006

Quote of the Day

"Everyone has the responsibility to make sure the government plays by the rules," George Christian, executive director of Library Connection

Oftentimes, the real heroes are the ones left behind cleaning up, and not the ones making the mess whose efforts, more often than not, go widely unacknowledged, as well as underappreciated. Hearty, and heartfelt congratulations on victory in making the Justice Department back off from demanding that a librarian turn over records under an NSL. Kudos to Mr. Christian, Library Connection, along with Chris Finan, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, Anthony Romero, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Larry Siems, PEN American Center for their ongoing, courageous efforts to protect our right to reader privacy, as well as resist oppression of thought. These groups are on the cutting edge, and front lines of the battle to protect and preserve our First Amendment rights for which they deserve a generous serving of gratitude.