Sunday, February 24, 2008

Between Barack and a Hard Place

Just when it looked like things were finally starting to stabilize, and the Democrats were about to have a nominee, along comes Hurricane Ralph.

To paraphrase the Stones’ hit, with the news of yet another last minute Nader incarnation, we now find ourselves “between Barack and a hard place.”

This isn’t about whether one “likes” Ralph Nader or not, or even whether he has good intentions. The road to hell, after all, is paved with good intentions. And, frankly, Nader’s motives for wanting a piece of the action are at least as suspect as any other of the contenders.

Make no mistake, this is about one thing and one thing only—his inimitable timing. Like a shark in the water, Ralph Nader smells blood, and blood to him means victory.

Just when it looked like Obama was getting close to having the nomination locked up, when Edwards walked out for the sake of Party unity, and we’re finally down to a two person race, along comes our Nader to virtually ensure that whatever momentum Obama picks up between now and November won’t get in the way of a decisive McCain win.

The Democratic Party must do whatever it takes to keep Nader off the stump. Forget about Al Gore’s role in brokering the convention. Instead, the former vice president’s time may be put to far better use by paying a visit to the former consumer advocate to insist that he withdraw from this crucially important race.