Monday, April 16, 2012


For Peter Bergman

I’ve seen God without make-up
pulling out of
a driveway in a pink
Chevy Impala
I’ve seen God
watching the Daily Show drenched and
hungry on Beverly Glen.
I’ve even seen God trying to
parallel park on
a one way street.
I’ve seen God without make-up
he doesn’t want you to
run for president
he wants you to
learn how to parallel park
I’ve seen God without
make-up and
you won’t find him in
a church
mosque or
you won’t find him in
a fox hole a loop hole or
a cemetery.
God doesn’t fear death
any more than any of
his other creations
God is just another bozo on
the bus like the guy sitting
next to you who leaves
a crumpled newspaper on
his seat
we’re all Gods without
make-up even in our underwear
we’re all bozos on this

(c) jayne lyn stahl