Friday, February 24, 2006

From Pierre, South Dakota, a Post Script

A postscript to yesterday's breaking noose:

The Legislature, in South Dakota, today approved a ban on nearly all abortions, in the state, exempting only cases in which the pregnant mother's life is in danger. The bill now goes to the desk of Republican Governor Mike Rounds who said he's inclined to sign it. Evidently, an anonymous donor contributed $1 million to help the campaign for this abortion ban, and the governor reports getting widespread support from his constituents for him to sign, and implement, the new law.

Under this measure, doctors could get up to five years in prison for performing abortions on women except if their lives are at risk, even in cases of rape and incest. Moreover, if a woman gets raped, in South Dakota, once this new legislation goes into effect, the rapist will have the same rights to custody of the child as the mother; talk about genetic engineering!

As previously noted, Planned Parenthood has committed to fighting this new assault on a woman's right to choose, and stopping it from setting a dangerous precedent. I'm no lawyer but, I wonder, if Planned Parenthood sues the state of South Dakota to protest the new law, and/or its implementation, should it go all the way to the Supreme Court, what happens next; especially in light of new justices Alito and Roberts? Ay carrumba!

Should you wish to voice your concerns about the virtual ban on legal abortion soon to be implemented in the state of South Dakota, you may call Governor Rounds directly at: (605) 773-3212, or the S.D. state legislature: (605) 773-3251. We will all be impacted, directly or indirectly, by this bill which is all but certain to become law, and may be coming soon to a medical clinic near you.